Thursday, July 27, 2006

bring on the weekend

I think I've just about hit the wall. I am feeling really run down at the moment and the last couple of days I've been sick with a nasty head cold - which is odd when you consider it's about 30 degrees outside. I think this is my bodies way of telling me I need some time out. This weekend Anthea and I are planning a very quiet weekend in London. I'll probably just sit down with my book and take it easy. I might do some hacking - I'll see how I feel. I should really get my monodevelop patch finished and submitted soon.

Over the last couple of days I installed a fresh copy of Ubuntu dapper on my laptop and configured xgl. Man it is really cool! I'm loving the eye candy and am thinking about how some of that cairo/opengl goodness could be used in some other apps like f-spot for example. Maybe one of these days I'll have a chance to play with it.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

life in the fast lane

Been a busy week so far and Anthea and I are off to Porto for the weekend tomorrow. Really looking forward to what will hopefully be a relaxing trip out of London. I'm planning on bringing back more than a couple of bottles of port as well ;-)

We went to Ben Harper on Tuesday night. It was a really amazing gig and he played for 2 1/2hrs which is pretty much unheard of these days. I would definately see him again if I have the opportunity.

I got some really good feed back on my MonoDevelop patch from Lluis. I got most of the bugs fixes finished on Monday evening, but he also suggested a couple of cool new features so I probably won't get the next version of the patch ready until next week now. I'm still hoping to have it submitted before I go to LugRadio live the following weekend. There's no hope of doing any work on f-spot in the near term though.

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Monday, July 10, 2006

The weekends over

And all to quickly. Managed to cram a lot into the last couple of days however. Got up early on Saturday morning to watch New Zealand crush Australia in the rugby. Go the AB's! It was fun as we had a bunch of friends around and cooked up a massive feed of bacon, banana and maple syrup on French toast.

Saturday afternoon I did some hacking on MonoDevelop and managed to finish my patch to add the class and method combos. I submitted that last night so will be interested to see what people think.

Sunday we went to Box for the day to visit Anthea's Aunt and Uncle. It was a nice day out and good to see them. I did some hacking on f-spot on the bus on the way up and back, but all I managed to do was frustrate myself immensely. I think I need to jump on to #f-spot tonight and try and catch llewing to see if he can help.


Friday, July 07, 2006

MonoDevelop hacking

Spent the last couple of evenings updating some work I did on MonoDevelop ages ago but never got round to submitting. The internals of MonoDevelop have really changed since I first wrote my code so I had to spend a couple of hours updating it to work with the new version of MonoDevelop from SVN.

I then realised that I hadn't quite got it right last time as the method combo would only show the methods the class had when the file was opened. i.e. if you added a new method it wouldn't show up in the combo until you closed and reopened the file. With some helpful pointers from Lluis on #monodevelop last night I think I have just about solved that problem by hooking into the IParseInformationChanged event. This event fires with every key stroke. With a bit of GLib.Timeout goodness to stop the combos being rebound every time the event fires we are almost there...

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I'm going to LugRadio Live 2006

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

ask a busy man?

Well I managed to get some hacking done over the weekend. Spent the most of the time working on my website project. I have almost finished the user management stuff now. Took me a while to get my head around getting Mono, MySql and NHibernate all playing nice togeather but I am there now. I will probably do a post on that sometime soon as there are a couple of gotchas that would have been nice to know before I started so I figure I might be able to save someone else some time. I really need to get hacking on f-spot and monodevelop though. I wanted to get the features I'm working on for those two projects submitted before I go to Lugradio live and I am fast running out of time.

We managed to find a new housemate over the weekend which is great. It's one less thing to worry about and she seems like a really cool person.

Off to see Jet Li in Fearless tonight so I'm hoping that will be good. Anything's got to be better than the worst movie ever which I saw last week.
