Friday, January 30, 2009

MySql "Nested transactions are not supported" exception

If you are getting an unexpected "Nested transactions are not supported" exception from your MySql database then you may have hit this bug.

I firstly suspected Spring.NET, then the MySql ADO.NET driver. We scratched our heads for a couple of days on this one before I found that bug report.

To make a long story short, simply commenting out the query_cache_size option in the my.ini file solved it. What effect this will have on performance I haven't determined yet.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

World continues to go mad but at least retains a sense of humor

A friend pointed this out to me the other day.

At first glance you'd either be inclined to shake your head at the depressing state of childrens toys today, or more likely dismiss it out of hand.

Instead head over to Amazon and check out the tags and reviews people have added to this product.

Absolutely priceless.

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Monday, January 26, 2009

A:Hover and IE - a trap for young players

If you're having trouble getting your a:hover effect to work in IE you might want to make sure you have an href attribute on the anchor element. The hover effect won't work in IE unless it does.

I had something like the following:

<a onclick="somejavascriptfunction()">Anchor text</a>

Changing to this solved the issue:

<a onclick="somejavascriptfunction()" href='#'>Anchor text</a>

It's a bit embarrassing and I should know better. I hope this post helps other people avoid wasting time like I did.

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