Monday, July 10, 2006

The weekends over

And all to quickly. Managed to cram a lot into the last couple of days however. Got up early on Saturday morning to watch New Zealand crush Australia in the rugby. Go the AB's! It was fun as we had a bunch of friends around and cooked up a massive feed of bacon, banana and maple syrup on French toast.

Saturday afternoon I did some hacking on MonoDevelop and managed to finish my patch to add the class and method combos. I submitted that last night so will be interested to see what people think.

Sunday we went to Box for the day to visit Anthea's Aunt and Uncle. It was a nice day out and good to see them. I did some hacking on f-spot on the bus on the way up and back, but all I managed to do was frustrate myself immensely. I think I need to jump on to #f-spot tonight and try and catch llewing to see if he can help.



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